This girl is fantastic to work with. She is ready to get to work and willing to make the shot. She has been Mattel’s Tennessee Barbie. I think you can see why. She is a joy to work with!! I had worked with Ashtyn several times before this shoot. We did this...
Here is a mix of shots from the past few years that stand out. Each of the models were great to work with. I have shot with some of them several times. You may see them again in other pages on the...
After shooting with Cumberland River in Harlan, KY. I was able to shoot with Ashley downtown. We hummed around getting a few nice shots around the buildsing but when she said there was a laundry mat I was excited. I know it sounds odd but I was. It turned out that the...
An event in Chattanooga, TN with 8 photographers and four models called “Photonooga”. Each photog got 30 mins with a model in a different setting in the studio. This is where I first meet Rabecca and Jessica. I have since shot with both again. It was cool...
A large event in Nashville, dubbed Inhauslypse. Lots of models and photographers there to create stock images. We to different locations that weekend and had lots of props, camera gear, lighting gear and creative minds. It was a blast!!! Models: well….. too many...